About Us


Continental Fresh is the retail venture of one of the India’s leading exporters of seafood “Continental Marines”.


Continental Marines was established in 2004 as a small seafood firm in the city of Visakhapatnam on the east coast of India. Today the Continental Group is a multi-divisional, international business. The company began exporting tuna and other fishery products for about 17 years and has now extended this to the far reaches of the globe.

Continental group quickly created an industry wide reputation for providing highest quality fresh tuna and other seafood from company owned long line vessels. Over the years, Continental Marines have become highly recognizable due to its vastly diversified product line. The company currently deals with over sixty four different species in both fresh and frozen form.


Our vision is to be a world class leading seafood supplier with the capability to facilitate easy availability of quality seafood at the most reasonable prices to the customers at their door steps.

In summary, continental is committed to sustainable management of its exclusive deep waters by adopting conservative fishing techniques.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality and selection of seafood products at fair and reasonable prices while recognizing the importance of conservation and maintenance of a healthy environment.


  •  A Fishing division with numerous deep sea fishing vessels

 The fishing division now operates a large fleet of Tuna fishing vessels in the Indian Ocean and also contracts many independent fishermen to supply fresh Tuna and other seafood to Continental processing plants. 

  •  A Processing division with International standards

The efficient processing division turns seafood into variety of economical and beneficial value-added products like loins, steaks, saku blocks and other consumer packs. They are then delivered in fresh or frozen form to make sure that their full succulent flavor is retained.  

  • A Farming division producing tons of fresh farm raised Shrimp & Fish

Source of Fresh Farm raised Black Tiger, Scampi, Vannamei shrimp and Fresh Water fish by adopting environmental friendly advanced farming technology with achievements of best farming Awards.

  • A Retail Division – Continental Fresh

Continental Marines continued diversifying by entering into the retail markets for providing the same international quality seafood to its customers with “CONTINENTAL FRESH".

Continental Fresh, the online seafood store, is the retail venture of Continental Marines. Having been in seafood industry for almost 17 years, it was natural for us to extend our experience of sourcing, processing and packaging the best seafood by entering into the local markets as a major retail player.

Continental Fresh, offers you “Fresh seafood direct from the deep to the door” that is cut, cleaned and hygienically packed in Ready-to-cook form with zero wastage.

International Quality Seafood at your door steps

The company has more than 17 years of experience in exporting seafood to various countries. The same care and hygienic standards are being followed in processing and packing a variety of seafood for the domestic customers too.

Premium quality

To achieve premium quality seafood products, we are dedicated to production integrity on energy level, and committed to delivering the highest quality seafood “From the deep to your doors”.

  • Procuring - The freshness is ensured right from procurement as the fish are caught live and are immediately chilled with ice, preventing bacterial growth. Hence the most optimum quality is achieved from the moment the fish was caught. Our quality control starts at the ocean.

  • Food safety testing - We have a well equipped in-house laboratory, additionally we work with internationally accredited external laboratories for microbiological and chemical testing. This ensures that all are products are free from any added chemical or preservatives.

  • Processing - We boast a fully equipped processing factory where we do all our filleting and portion control work. Our expert staff hand cut the fish in temperature controlled conditions to retain the aroma, taste and texture of fish. The ice used in processing is produced only with UV and RO (Reverse Osmosis) treated water that aids in ensuring maximum hygiene and quality.

  • Hassle free - Ready-to-cook products that comes to you were perfectly portioned and cleaned with UV & RO treated water. This allows for hassle free cooking with zero wastage and no further cleaning. Hassle free cooking allows you to spend more time for your “life” and saves your money too.

  • Zero Wastage - In most cases you pay for the price of whole fish, and then get it cleaned and cut, where the finished product would weigh a lot less than the whole fish. After cutting the Whole fish, the Wastage could range from 25% for White Pomfret to 60%, in the case of a fish fillet. Here at Continental Fresh, you are paying only for the exact weight of the Fish you buy, and you can cook this Fish without any further wastage.

  • Hygienic Packaging - Our packaging is made out of biodegradable, non-toxic, and recyclable materials, while also maintaining the maximum freshness. We have a 2 step packaging process which includes vacuum packaging. Our Vacuum packing machines seals the inner packaging perfectly and prevents exposure of your fish to air. Vacuum packing techniques reduces the atmospheric oxygen in pouches, limiting the growth of bacteria and prevents the fish from dehydrating. This ensures the flavor of the fish is locked until it reaches you.

Certifications - Our processing facilities have been certified and accredited by international agencies like European Union (EU); United States Food & Drug Administration (USFDA); Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP a global management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product); Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and various Social Audits.